Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why I love this town reason #1492

Because there's an 81 yr old in Plum named Dominic who does Zumba with his wife:
The next patient is Dominic, 81, of Plum, who has been accompanied by his wife to the appointment, a four-month checkup.

"He said I'm doing good, I'm doing great," Dominic said afterward.

No wonder: Dominic is a model senior patient. Slim but fit, he goes with his wife to a gym for a senior citizens' workout program three times a week. They lift weights and do exercises for balance. They even do Zumba -- dance aerobics with a Latin beat.
That gem is midway through a great article on electronic medical records and one physician's experience with paperwork in the health care system by Pohla Smith at the Post-Gazette.

I first read it as Dominic doing Zumba at one of the county's 60 senior centers or 31 adult day service centers, and had visions of all these senior centers with Zumba dancing classes going on as the mid-morning coffee break starts for the rest of us in Pittsburgh. 

Then I thought, for Marquesa Ginny to atone for her semi-sorta-ageist Depends Edition earlier in the week (and the elders say she must atone), she must help organize a flash mob of them doing the Zumba in Market Square once it opens up next spring. 

Bring the latin groove to the new square, and let the old folks lead the way.

¿Estás ahí Ginny

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